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We’ve pooled together some of our top questions and answers for you to quickly find the info you need.
How many users do we get and how do they get added to the Dashboard?
- Your team can add an unlimited number of users to your Dashboard.
- To add new users:
- Click your name in the upper right-hand corner to navigate to your User Preferences.
- Click Manage Users and type in their email address. New users will then receive an email invitation to set up their account.
- All users will have their own unique login for the Dashboard but your account will have one Dashboard. Meaning, if one user adds a new Custom Share Page or Map, all users within your organization will have access to them as well.
- You can set individual user’s permissions to set their level of access:
- Admin: Full editing and role modification permissions
- Editor: Editing permissions in the dashboard
- Member: Can see content in the dashboard, but cannot make modifications
- Photographer: Same permissions as Member
- Watch this video to see how.
What are Share Pages and how can I use them?
- Within your Dashboard, your team can create and customize Share Pages that allow you to choose which tours are included. Custom Share Pages are essentially mini web pages that can be shared with prospective clients, added to bid proposals, or included in PDF documents.
- Each Custom Share Page can also include Call-to-Actions such as "Book Now" or "See more" that would bring the visitor to another page of your choosing.
- Watch this video to see how.
How can I use my Threshold 360 tours to sell my space to potential clients?
- The Threshold 360 platform includes many ways to sell your space to potential clients. Share Pages are a great way to show individual and custom combinations of spaces included in bid proposals and decks. Our tours can also be added to Digideck and other sales platforms.
- Custom Maps can be used to show the neighborhoods, restaurants, and hotels surrounding your location.
- Watch this video to see how.